Weevils are tiny insects, frequently measuring less than 25 inches, that are drawn to dry food items. The majority can chew through paper to get food sources. They are attracted to wheat and grains that have been stored. They can contaminate pantries, and get into dry food items in homes, and contacting a weevil control specialist is essential in these circumstances.
They specifically harm crops when left in the wild. A few are also able to fly. They are present in cereals, grain products, nuts, and seeds. Weevils typically don’t live very long, but during that brief time, they occasionally can lay a lot of eggs.
Warm weather is ideal for them, and high temperatures havetened their maturation. In colder climates, their development takes longer, and their survival rate is lower.
Weevil infestations can cause grains to become sticky. Certain grains may get wet and start to sprout. Weevils are not toxic to humans if eaten, even though they may cause food to spoil.
In North America, there exist more than a thousand species of weevil. Most weevils have an oval shape and are either black or brown. An adult weevil has a long, snout-like head with a mouth at the tip of the snout.
Black vine weevil, vegetable weevil, garden weevil, and white fringed weevil are some of the pest weevils that can be found in gardens. Even though each species of weevil has a preferred plant to feed on, they will attack a wide range of plants and crops. Weevils frequently attack the following:
Weevils can enter your home unexpectedly because they typically enter through packaged or bulk food. Although weevils in food are the most common, groups of weevils can be observed on windowsills. The infestation has started if you notice tiny flying insects soaring around and emerging from food packaging.
Weevils lay their eggs inside stored food, so dispose of any other packaged food you may have because it may contain unseen weevil eggs. Mold and fungus are also encouraged to grow when weevil eggs are present. Eating food that has weevil infestations puts you at a higher risk of getting sick.
Weevils are frequently found in flour, pasta, cereal, spices, powdered mixes, dry dog food, bread, crackers, seeds, and chocolate, among other foods. Your food is contaminated by a weevil infestation. Certain weevils can also be found in pharmaceuticals.
Weevils can harm plants both indoors and outdoors, to put it briefly.
Precautionary measures are always preferable and simpler to take to spare you the headache and trouble of dealing with these pests. Here are some actions you can take to prevent pantry pests from getting into your food:
You can get professional assistance if there are a lot of weevils and other bugs in your home already and the aforementioned methods don’t work, or if you simply don’t want to deal with these pests yourself. With professional pest control assistance, you can get rid of weevils forever.
You can trust Titan Pest Services as a reliable pest control provider in the United States. The group tackles insect or pest infestations with human and pet-friendly techniques and solutions.
They ensure that your space is protected from bothersome insects. The team guarantees the extraordinary outcomes you deserve by using only the best products and best practices.
Leave the extermination work to Titan experts if you have weevil infestations and don’t want to deal with them. Titan Pest Services is a family-run, full-service pest control company. In every aspect of pest control, we are experts.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to discuss your problems and devise a workable plan for getting rid of your worries and problems if you are genuinely looking for a one-stop shop for all of your pest control needs.