Subterranean wildlife pests like moles can be difficult to identify and even harder to get rid of. In certain cases, moles are beneficial because they provide deep soil aeration while consuming earthworms, grubs, and other underground insects as food. As such, they may be useful in natural grasslands such as prairies. They, however, can frustrate homeowners who want a picturesque lawn.
You might never see a mole itself because they live underground and typically come on land to find a mate. But their tunnels are unmistakable evidence that this pest has taken up residence on your land and you might need mole control.
Moles are small, burrowing animals that come in dozens of species. They are tiny predators with a reputation for being expert tunnelers. They dig intricate networks of tunnels and paths through soil, vegetation, and leaf litter.
Moles are among the least studied mammals due to their cryptic habits and underground lifestyle. They also tend to be misinterpreted a lot. For example, a common misconception is that moles are completely blind or lack eyes. Although moles typically have a fairly primitive vision, all mole species have eyes.
Nothing irritates a proud homeowner more than finding a bewildering network of tunnels and holes in a beautifully manicured lawn. Even though the nefarious perpetrator is probably a groundhog or a mole, it’s crucial to identify the problem correctly to stop additional harm to your property.
Here are the main differences between moles and groundhogs that you need to know about:
The most prevalent species in the northern United States, including Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, Vermont, and Massachusetts, is the star-nosed mole.
Their belly and underside have lighter brown fur, while their fur can range from dark brown to black. They will look for habitats close to bodies of water, in marshes, swamps, and other places with inadequate drainage. They prefer moist to damp soil.
Moles on your property are more of a nuisance than anything else. The majority of their damage to your lawn is cosmetic; their hours of tunneling churn up the soil, leaving your lawn looking uneven and patchy.
Additionally, mowing the lawn can be challenging due to their underground tunnels. Although they won’t consume vegetation or bulbs, their burrowing may disturb, cause withering, and eventually kill grass and other plants.
Because they are considered wildlife, you may need a license to deal with moles. If you do not have a severe infestation, you should be aware of natural mole control methods. Just keep in mind that the most effective mole control methods are preventative:
Even though moles are typically a simple yard issue that you can handle yourself, there are situations when it is preferable to hire assistance before the damage gets too severe or expensive.
Titan Pest Services can assist you if you are having problems with these animals.
We are an experienced and compassionate wildlife removal company that specializes in removing various types of animals from homes and commercial buildings. To ensure the safety and well-being of both the animals and our clients, we remove animals humanely and prevent them from returning in the future.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance keeping your home safe from wildlife.