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Bird Control

Birds occasionally find their way into buildings, where they may cause noise disturbances, damage to the structure, and messiness. Nuisance birds such as pigeons, sparrows, seagulls, starlings, and grackles can cause serious issues. They can cause damage to your property through their droppings and nests, disrupt your business by entering your facility, or leave an unsightly, unhygienic mess inside and outside of your building.

Birds are also an essential component of our natural ecosystem because they help spread seeds, pollinate plants, and even get rid of pests. One hundred species of birds can be found in the United States alone. Laws, rules, and public opinion dictate the extent of protection that birds can receive and the types of bird control that are permissible.

Getting Rid of Birds?
three pigeons

In these situations, it’s critical to understand your options while adhering to local, state, and federal regulations about bird removal. Different removal techniques are needed for certain birds; otherwise, the issue could get worse.

For this reason, any bird-related problems your home or company may be having should be handled by a qualified bird control company.

Which Birds Are Listed as Pests

Which Birds Are Listed as Pests?

Birds can damage your business, home, reputation, and image. It doesn’t end with the ugly mess they leave behind. Feathers and droppings have the potential to spread more than 60 diseases and deteriorate air quality, endangering people’s health and safety.

The effects on tenant retention can be disastrous if you are a building owner. In certain situations, the presence of birds may result in audit and inspection failures, which could result in closures and revenue losses.

Certain scavenger species can annoy diners and interfere with outdoor dining experiences. Costly fixes and ongoing cleaning don’t address the issue. By themselves, exclusion strategies merely move your issue, and the expenses can be prohibitive.

While most birds are thought to be highly valued, according to conservationists and birdwatchers, some species are regarded as pests because of their negative effects on nearby ecosystems and properties.

Numerous migratory birds are protected across the United States by federal, state, and local regulations. Nonetheless, birds that are frequently considered pests and are typically invasive species, meaning they are not covered by national laws. Usually, these consist of:

  • House Sparrows

House sparrows are small, stocky birds with short beaks. Females have light gray necks and stomachs and are buff and brown on top. Males typically have reddish chestnut-colored wings with black bands encircling them.

They usually reside close to people because it offers them some protection from incoming predators. Sparrows spread diseases that affect people, pets, and livestock. Chlamydiosis, erysipeloid, salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, schistosomiasis, and beef tapeworms are a few of the illnesses that can be lethal.

In addition to causing havoc on residential and commercial properties, these pest birds also leave behind nests and droppings that damage structures. They can be surprisingly aggressive if their nest is in an area that is heavily infested; they frequently attack any potential threat to their nest.

  • Rock Pigeons

The Columbidae family has certain protected species, but not all of them, including rock pigeons. They are plump birds with small heads and short legs that are also referred to as common pigeons or rock doves.

Although plumage color varies, rock pigeons typically have iridescent plumage at the throat and light gray feathers with black bands on their wings.

Pigeons in urban settings favor building their nests in the artificial cliffs that tall buildings create, giving them access to roof spaces and ledges. Since they can spread potentially fatal illnesses like toxoplasmosis, salmonellosis, and tuberculosis to humans, these birds are often referred to as sky rats.

In particular, those with weakened immune systems should be cautious around their excrement as it may harbor lethal bacterial and fungal infections.

  • European Starlings

The feathers of starlings are glossy, black, and iridescent, with long, narrow bills. They also have white spots in the winter, which contrast with the black plumage and are thought to be the source of their name. The loud, bothersome European starling bird can seriously injure people, pets, and livestock.

These nuisance birds can spread potentially deadly illnesses like salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, histoplasmosis, and chlamydiosis, as well as parasites like mites and fleas. In addition, a European starling flock’s combined weight, reaching 20,000 birds in the winter, can also topple trees and break branches, endangering nearby structures.

What Threats Do Birds Present to Your Property?

Birds roosting and nesting can damage your property in several ways. It is not only an eyesore on any residential or commercial property, but it will unavoidably gather and quickly demolish building materials.

Feces-related damages:

  • Since bird droppings are highly acidic, they can erode a variety of surfaces.
  • Bird droppings eat away at the paint and protective layer on cars, fading the paint job.
  • Drops left on roofs have the potential to erode structural integrity and eventually cause leaks.
  • Air conditioning units and other outdoor equipment are susceptible to damage from dropped objects, and workers may be exposed to health risks.
  • Birds can cause millions of dollars worth of damage to food and other products when they get access to factories, warehouses, and convention centers.

Nest-related damages:

  • In gutters and drains, bird nests are frequently constructed. Standing water can build up and possibly lead to a collapse when drainage systems become clogged.
  • Because flammable materials like straw, twigs, and dried droppings are frequently used to build nests, they are easily capable of starting fires. A fire is more likely when nests are constructed inside machinery or electric signs.
  • When birds nest in attics, they dispose of their waste and construct nests. The weight of the nest and its droppings may eventually become too much for the building, resulting in the roof collapsing.
  • There may be particularly serious repercussions if a bird nest obstructs a ventilation system. Diseases may spread throughout the system as a result of the nest. Additionally, if exhaust systems are blocked, it can obstruct airflow, which increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning death.

What Health Risks are Associated with Birds?

Bird droppings are not only very ugly and hard to get rid of, but they also contain a lot of pathogens that are harmful to people’s health. Bird droppings contain bacteria and spores that can be extremely dangerous to people’s health. Additionally, ticks, fleas, and other parasites are spread by birds.

The disease organisms that can develop in the nutrient-rich collections of bird droppings, feathers, and debris beneath a roost pose the greatest health risks, especially if the roost has been in use for a long time. When infected birds depart from their roosts or nests, external parasites may also become an issue.

After that, the parasites can enter buildings and sting humans.

Typical transmissible bird diseases include the following:

  • Cryptococcosis: This illness typically begins as a pulmonary disease and may eventually spread to the central nervous system. It is caused by yeast that is found in the intestinal tracts of pigeons and starlings. In common places like attics, schools, warehouses, and barns where this yeast roosts and nests many people come into contact with it.
  • Salmonellosis: Even though food poisoning is the common name for salmonellosis, other bothersome birds like starlings, pigeons, and sparrows are linked to this illness. Dust from bird droppings can enter your home through the ventilator or air conditioner, and the disease-causing bacteria can be found in the droppings themselves. Food and cooking surfaces in your house may become contaminated as a result.
  • Histoplasmosis: A fungus that thrives on dehydrated bird droppings is the source of this illness. It can cause potentially fatal respiratory diseases when it comes into contact with people.
  • Psittacosis: It is an uncommon infectious disease. People may breathe in bird droppings and become ill if they dry up and become airborne.

What Symptoms Indicate an Infestation of Birds?

The amount of time required to effectively control pest birds can be significantly decreased by identifying the warning signs of a serious issue and acting quickly to find a solution. First, you can look for these symptoms:

  • Nesting birds on ledges or roofs
  • Sounds of birds
  • Nests or nest-building materials scattered throughout your property
  • Birds fouling and pecking damage to stock
  • Droppings of birds

How Can You Keep Invading Birds from Getting into Your Place?

You can keep these animals from becoming an issue in your house or place of business by taking some preventive bird control measures:

  • Pigeons, sparrows, and starlings all tend to flock to areas with readily available food. Thus, keeping their favorite meals off-limits is the best defense against them taking over your house or place of business.
  • Keep trash in containers with lids that are difficult to access.
  • If you place bird feeders throughout your yard to draw in local bird species, make sure the food they eat is exclusive to the native species.
  • Steer clear of popular commercial bird seed blends that contain suet, sunflower seeds, and cracked corn.
  • When the birds are migrating, seal up any birdhouses you may have and keep sheds and garages closed.

Where Should One Search for Bird Issues?

The first step is an inspection. Any bird control service is careful about the examination of the affected area. To determine the type of pest bird in question, wildlife technicians use their expertise in bird behavior, visual identification, auditory calls, and nesting sites.

Their knowledge of avian ecology enlightens them on the best course of action to address the issue and keep it from happening again. These places can be balconies, ledges, chimney stacks, gutters, culverts, roofs, tree cavities, and wall voids.

What are the Techniques Used by Experts to Control Birds?

Exclusions and Deterrents – The best way to make a property unappealing to birds is to use deterrent and exclusion techniques. These can include a wide range of strategies tailored to your facility, including pyrotechnics, bird wire, netting, and other techniques.

Traps – Using temporary but efficient exterior bird control traps to address a bird problem swiftly. For birds lacking strong homing instincts, such as sparrows and starlings, experts will employ these mechanical traps.

Habitat Modification – Some techniques can be used like bird repellents, physical control, and electronic control to make your business less inviting to birds, so they won’t nest or roost there.

What is the Most Effective Bird Deterrent?

  • Visual Deterrents: Basically, they are menacing items that have been placed in strategic locations to frighten off birds.
  • Physical Barriers: To keep birds out of open and semi-open spaces, you can erect barriers like bird spikes and netting.
  • Sonic Bird Repellents: Birds that approach too closely are scared off by sonic repellents, which mimic the sounds of foxes or eagles.
  • Ultrasonic Bird Repellents: Again, the sound is used by ultrasonic bird repellents, but the high-frequency sound is played in place of predator sounds.
  • Biological Agents: Typical instances include applying gel, sticky glue, or baking soda to areas where birds perch to irritate their feet.

What Chemical Will Keep Birds Away?

Chemical Foggers: They are useful for keeping obstinate pest birds away from large outdoor spaces because they use non-toxic liquid methyl anthranilate. Foggers, which are applied by experts using thermal and fogging machines, are advised for removing sizable flocks of pest birds, such as starlings, pigeons, grackles, geese, and sparrows.

What is the Technology for Bird Control?

  • Green Laser: This technology is used in bird repellents. Birds avoid the area when the laser is used frequently because they perceive it as dangerous.
  • Sensor: Using sensors to track bird activity and the effectiveness of bird-repellent systems, new technology is being introduced to the bird management market.

Professional Bird Control Programs at Titan Pest Services

Titan Pest Services has professionals in bird control, and they will remove birds from your property using the right products and methods according to your problem.

Put an end to allowing birds to rule your life. You are far too valuable to waste your money or time. Using Titan’s customized bird control program, take charge right now!