Fox Control

Foxes are worldwide, residing on almost all continents. They are related to domestic dogs. In addition to their reputation as bothersome pests, they are traditionally recognized for their intelligence, cunning, and resourcefulness.

Being able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats, foxes are often found in areas where there is a high concentration of food, water, and shelter due to human activity. Red and gray foxes are the two most common species in the United States.

Foxes can pose a significant threat to both businesses and homeowners. Although foxes prefer to live in the wild, they can visit farms, barns, and even residential properties in quest of food and shelter. They are distinguished by their unique orange-red fur, bushy tails, and pointed ears.

Getting Rid of Foxes?
Fox Control

For farmers, particularly those who raise poultry, foxes have proven to be a major problem. Furthermore, deadly to small pets and other animals, foxes are a threat.

A fox can always be counted on to attack and kill young livestock, including lambs and small pigs. They also have a bad reputation for robbing gardens and garbage cans to find food.

The following fox control guide may be helpful if you are having problems with foxes on your property. Learn more about fox behavior and habits by following the instructions below. The professional advice from the wildlife experts will help you to know the foxes on your property.

What Distinguishes Foxes?

The fox belongs to the dog family and can be found both in rural and urban settings. They create earths out of the ground where they live, and they feed on fruits, berries, insects, worms, small mammals, and bird chow mixed with carrion and trash.

Foxes in the wild have an average lifespan of two years. Their noisy barking and screaming during mating season in January and February is a nuisance. March is when litters of five cubs on average are born. At five weeks, the cubs are weaned, though they may spend three to four months with their mother.

Red foxes, as the name suggests, are typically yellowish-red to reddish-brown in hue. On the other hand, red patches on their fur are also common in gray foxes, which can occasionally make it challenging to differentiate between the two species.

The distinction between the two foxes can be easily seen in their tails: the red fox’s tail is white, and the gray fox’s has a black tip.

Both species typically weigh between six and fifteen pounds, though larger foxes can reach weights of up to thirty pounds. Foxes typically stand two feet tall and measure three feet long, including the tail.

The features of red foxes, the most prevalent kind of fox in North America, are mentioned here in a detailed way:

  • Red foxes range in size from 32 to 50 inches in length and weigh 7 to 15 pounds.
  • Their tail is extremely bushy, and their fur is orange-red.
  • They also have a long snout and large, pointed ears.
  • With the exception of their ears, sharp claws, and bushy tail, foxes resemble dogs in appearance.

Speak with a wildlife specialist to identify them and receive help with accurate identification.

What Signals Correspond to Foxes


What Signals Correspond to Foxes?

You can start an inspection as soon as you are certain that you are working with a fox. You will concentrate on locating these hotspots during the inspection as they are typical locations for foxes.

  • When foxes are most active, early in the morning at dawn or early in the evening around dusk, is when you should conduct your inspection.
  • Examine outside. Look in your lawn or backyard, in gardens, and near the areas where animals are housed. Look near crops and trees that bear fruit, as they might also eat these.
  • You are searching for indications of fox activity, which includes searching for their burrows, unpleasant smells such as urine, and signs of predation.
  • If you are a farm owner, the absence of livestock and eggs from poultry may indicate fox activity. Crops may be missing in gardens and flower beds where they are trampled upon and disturbed by foot traffic. Their waste can vary in size and is very similar to that of dogs.
  • Discovering fox dens or burrows, which are made beneath the ground and may have animal skeletons strewn about the entrance, is another indication that the animals are active.
  • Their canine-like tracks, which have four toes and a hind toe, can also be used to identify them. The traces will show the presence of claws on each toe.

After you have proof of fox activity on your property, make a note of the locations where you discovered them and contact the professionals in pest control.

How Can You Prevent Foxes?

Take the following precautions to make sure that a fox invasion doesn’t happen:

  • The best results come from building fences with chicken wire that are at least six feet high and 12 inches below the surface.
  • Even better, to keep foxes from scaling the fence, place an electric wire above it. In order to keep crops, vegetables, and fruits from getting too close to these areas, you can also use wiring.
  • To help deter foxes from returning, fences surrounding livestock quarters should be repaired and fixed, making sure they are locked and unavoidable.
  • Make sure trash cans are locked into tight-fitting containers and out of reach in residences and other properties.
  • Remove any potential food sources, yard waste, or other items that the fox might use to construct a habitat from your yard.
  • Keep pets indoors when feeding and watering them.
  • If a window well is deeper than 12 inches, it should be covered to keep wildlife from becoming trapped.

What is the Best Control for Foxes?

Before beginning, a qualified pest control technician will go over which course of action is best for your particular circumstances.

As an option, there is repellent. The only way this works is if a fox can relocate to another area, which is unlikely if there is a lot of pressure on the fox population.

The best course of action is trapping. The technician will use live catch cage traps, but you can only use these if you can check them every day as required by law.

When a fox is discovered, you need to notify the office so that a technician can come to remove it. It might occasionally be necessary for you to spend weekends setting and unsetting the trap.

Titan Pest Services Can Set Up a Customized Fox Control Program

Removing foxes from your yard can be quite difficult. To keep the fox from getting used to your deterrents, you’ll need to move or swap them out frequently. Foxes are intelligent animals. Simple, foreseeable obstacles won’t deter them.

Relocating a fox is a pointless endeavor if no deterrents are installed. Another fox will take over a former fox’s territory when it is removed. Deterring a fox is a better and more productive strategy.

That’s why, you need a good professional pest services company like Titan Pest Services!

Titan Pest Services is a family-run, full-service pest control business. Our area of expertise is managing pests in homes and businesses. Our clientele includes restaurants, retail stores, sports stadiums, single-family homes, residential condo buildings, and more.

While state and local laws frequently prohibit fox hunting and trapping, Titan technicians are trained wildlife specialists equipped with the skills and equipment necessary to handle your fox problem safely and effectively.

We employ humane fox removal methods to guarantee a secure and efficient resolution to your fox problem. Our skilled technicians are trained in fox trapping, fox removal, and fox control in addition to knowing how to identify foxes and stop further fox damage.