Fly Control

One of the most bothersome pests that renters and homeowners have to deal with is flies. Particularly in the warmer summer months, flies can be a major annoyance. They can be an all-around pest, induce allergic reactions, disperse illnesses, and contaminate food.

Urban areas with a high population density and communal areas with exposed waste receptacles have become ideal habitats for these pests. After that, they head inside to find food and to get out of the weather. They will lay eggs inside your home, which will quickly hatch into adult flies if they find a consistent source of food.

Getting Rid of Flies?
fly control

This cycle is quick to repeat, which increases the likelihood that a fly problem will spread quickly. Although they usually don’t cause much trouble, these pests can contaminate food and spread disease, so they are a threat.

Fly control and fly removal techniques are available, but fly prevention isn’t because flies can easily enter your home through tiny tears in screens and even by opening and closing doors.


The world’s fly population numbers over 110,000. North America is home to more than 16,000 different species of flies. All of them, however, are members of the order Diptera, which means two wings.

It’s crucial to identify the type of fly you have to determine the best course of action for fewer of them. The type of fly in your home will determine how best to treat it.

Discover More About Flies


Flying insects possess small wings, a movable head that can rotate, and unusually large eyes.

They are six-legged insects. The fly, being able to fly, serves three essential roles in the ecosystem. It aids in the breakdown process, provides food for larger animals, and pollinates plants.


These flying insects are frequently observed swarming around dead animals and trash because they typically feed on decomposing organic matter.

They not only contaminate surfaces they land on with bacteria, but they also disperse pathogens when they eat. They ingest food by spitting up liquids that break down solids, then using their tongues, which resemble straws, to suck up the liquid.

Since flies spit on almost every surface they land on, this helps spread the various diseases found inside their guts. Fly-borne infections have been linked to more than 100 pathogens, such as salmonella, e. coli, and staphylococcus.

They release thousands of microbes every time they land, which can cause food poisoning, diarrhea, and meningitis.

Before becoming adults, flies begin as eggs and grow into larvae, also referred to as maggots. The length of the life cycle from egg to adult can range from eight days to a year, depending on the species. In the month or so that it lives, the common house fly can give birth to multiple generations of flies, each of which can contain up to a million eggs.

After hatching, most flies remain close to the area they inhabit during their larval stage, though they occasionally travel a short distance in pursuit of food and ideal habitats.


House Flies: The thorax of house flies has four black stripes and is typically gray. They have one pair of wings, compound red eyes, and a slightly hairy body.

They measure roughly ¼ inch, with the females eventually growing larger than the males. House fly eggs are laid in decomposing materials like trash, grass clippings, and animal and human waste. Their bodies taper off toward the back after becoming pointed in the front.

Fruit Flies: Adult fruit flies are tiny, oval insects that can only reach a length of 1/8 inch. Their abdomen is black with a gray underbelly, and their thorax is tan. Although some fruit flies have dark eyes, most of them have red eyes. Rotten food attracts and feeds fruit flies.

Fruits and vegetables as well as fermenting beverages like wine, beer, and liquor are particularly appealing to them. Fruit flies are also drawn to, and occasionally breed in, dark, damp, and unhygienic places such as trash cans, garbage disposals, and drains where decaying produce remnants may gather.

Blow Flies: Among the most prevalent flies to be found near dead animals are blow flies. They may be carriers of disease pathogens, including dysentery since they favor extremely unhygienic environments. These flies are easily recognized by their vivid metallic appearance and are common in the vicinity of commercial, institutional, industrial, and residential buildings.

They are also found close to recycling facilities, landfills, slaughterhouses, and plants that process meat. When looking for a suitable carcass to lay their eggs on, they can fly up to 12 miles and detect slight traces of decaying odor.

Drain Fly: Moth flies, also known as drain flies, are members of the Psychodidae family and get their name from the fact that they frequently reproduce in drains.

They are widespread in the US and can be annoying in homes, occasionally emerging out of bathtub and sink drains without warning. They can increase sewage treatment facilities before being blown by the wind and entering neighboring buildings through fly screens.

Recognizing the Necessity of Fly Control

Fly infestations disgust and annoy homeowners because people rightly associate these pests with filth. When the insects come into contact with food or kitchen surfaces, they can also spread disease-causing bacteria.

Furthermore, some fly species can sting both people and animals with painful bites. According to sources cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, flies contaminate or destroy agricultural products valued at $10 billion every year.

A single fly’s gut can support millions of microorganisms, and its body and legs are home to half a billion more. Because they can move fast from rotting, disease-filled trash to exposed human foods and utensils, flies are good at spreading disease.

A fly spits out thousands of microbes that can cause serious illnesses every time it lands. For instance, the house fly is linked to over 100 pathogens, such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Shigella. Both people and animals can become ill from these pathogens.

There are numerous ways for homeowners to invite flies into their homes. Insects can enter homes by drifting in through open windows and doors or by feeding on food products. Additionally, they might be drawn to and grow in the decomposing organic materials in drains. Dead animals in walls, attics, or other obscure areas of the house can also become infested by them.

Tips for Preventing Flies

  • The key to eliminating these pests is to deny flies the food, water, and shelter they so desperately need.
  • Keep your trash secure because flies consider it to be a gourmet meal. To keep the waste can clean, use a trash can liner and tightly seal it.
  • Food should be stored with caution. Food should be sealed and stored airtight. They are content to eat your food even though they enjoy trash.
  • Keep your home tidy by throwing away expired food appropriately and cleaning up spills and crumbs right away.
  • Make sure your garden is neat. Flies find great food and shelter in leaf litter, fallen fruit, spilled bird seed, and decomposing leaves.
  • Check and fix your screens. Additionally, fix your weather stripping. A tiny hole provided flies with a welcome mat.

What Keeps Flies Away Naturally?

A minor fly infestation could become a major issue if it is not dealt with. In just seven days, certain fly species can develop from eggs to adults. Although it’s crucial to get in touch with a pest control company right away, you can attempt these preventative measures if you’d like:

  • Basil is a smell that flies detest. Put some basil plants in your kitchen.
  • Plant marigolds, mint, and lavender in your garden and place pots of these plants throughout your home to keep them out of your property.
  • Essential oils of peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, and lemongrass keep away them naturally. By dispersing these oils throughout the house, you’ll not only create a lovely aroma but also keep those bothersome flies away.
  • Use cinnamon as an air freshener because the scent repulses flies.
  • Cloves smell terrible to flies. In each room where you are having fly problems, place a bowl of dried cloves. Even though it works, this isn’t a good option if you don’t like the smell of cloves.

Remember that stopping flies requires a multi-step strategy that involves professional pest control assistance!

What is the Best Control for Flies?

Inspection, pesticide application, fly exclusion, fly baits, improved sanitation, decay removal, and monitoring can all be counted.

The first step is to inspect your house to find any possible fly breeding grounds and entry points. Applications of pesticides are made to locations that have been determined to be fly breeding grounds. This is to guarantee that every last grub has been killed. Anywhere that could allow flies to enter, such as exposed doors and windows, should be sealed to keep them out.

The purpose of fly baits and traps is to serve as a substitute for chemical applications. They take the shape of various fly-catching devices, such as sticky fly traps. Enhancing sanitation and eliminating decays are also significant. This mainly preventive approach should increase the likelihood that flies won’t find sources of food to survive.

Apart from these, a unique program can be created to successfully eradicate fly pests from your property using industry-leading fly control solutions along with the most recent advancements in fly management and monitoring.

Why Do People Choose Titan Pest Services for Fly Control?

Flies can be a serious annoyance for both homes and businesses. Give us a call when you’re ready to cut off the fly’s wings. Services for controlling fly populations at Titan provide a thorough and expert approach. For flies that are moving, we use bait traps and efficient surface sprays to target them.

Nonetheless, we are aware that managing an existing fly infestation is only one aspect of pest control; another is averting new ones. By addressing the underlying issue and getting rid of the fly source, we eradicate the flies.

Reach out to Titan for additional information on managing flies and averting future infestations!